
Install wing panel

See here

  1. Copy desktop file, add Pantheon desktop, so indicators are visisble in Pantheon desktop
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart

cp /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator-application.desktop ~/.config/autostart/

sed -i 's/^OnlyShowIn.*/OnlyShowIn=Unity;GNOME;Pantheon;/' ~/.config/autostart/indicator-application.desktop
  1. Downlad the wingpanel-indicator-ayatana deb package and install it
wget http://ppa.launchpad.net/elementary-os/stable/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wingpanel-indicator-ayatana/wingpanel-indicator-ayatana_2.0.3+r27+pkg17~ubuntu0.4.1.1_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i wingpanel-indicator-ayatana_2.0.3+r27+pkg17~ubuntu0.4.1.1_amd64.deb

Reduce space between winpangel indicators

See here


sudo vim /usr/share/themes/elementary/gtk-3.0/apps.css
  1. Look for
composited-indicator {
   padding: 0 6px;

.composited-indicator > revealer label,
.composited-indicator > revealer image,
.composited-indicator > revealer spinner {
  1. Change the line padding: 0 6px; to padding: 0 2px;
  2. Save and log out. Done