Check if apps are already supported for ARM:

Get list of processor types of executable

lipo -archs $(which pdftex)

Tmux coniguration with iterm2

set terminal to xterm-256color in .tmux.conf

set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"


Display MacOS version and build version.


Show Dynamically Linked Libraries of Executables

On linux it's ldd. On MacOS otool can be used.

otool -L /path/to/binary

System Integrity Protection (SIP)

Show status:

csrutil status

We need to boot into the recovery mode to enable or disable settings.

  • On a powered off M1, press and hold the power button until "Loading startup options" appears on the screen.
  • On Intel: Hold while booting.

To disable SIP but use Kext signing, DTrace restrictions, and BaseSystem Verification.

csrutil disable --with kext --with dtrace --with basesystem


Show all firmware variables. Use (-xp for xml and -Xp for hex display format for the variable values).

nvram -p

Allow macOS to run non-Apple arm64e code.

sudo nvram boot-args=-arm64e_preview_abi

Secure Keyboard Entry

To check if an app currently uses the "Secure Keyboard Entry" feature, you can use ioreg:

ioreg -l -w 0 | grep SecureInput