Extension: peda

show information about file

info file


  • malloc() returns pointer to chunk of memory. right before that address the size of that chunk is stored. Therefore, one can also add that size to the address itself and get to the next chunk.

Analyze a Coredump

If the coredump file is compressed, decompress it first. This coredump is Zstandard compressed data.

zstdcat core.sway > ~/sway.coredump

Load the file with gdb and provide the program that caused the coredump (optionally built with debug symbols; makes analysis much easier).

gdb -c sway.coredump sway

Print variable and put breakpoint on the Foo::Foo constructor.

(gdb) p Foo:numFoos
(gdb) break Foo::Foo

DSO debugging

  • LD_BIND_NOW: tells the linker that is should resolve all plt calls when the program starts. also compiler flags: -Wl,-znow
  • ldd
  • LD_DEBUG: use =help to show modes. Show you what the linkers does
  • LD_PRELOAD: might be used to implement caching. e.g. if a function is called over and over again with the same arguments, then we can keep a histogram of values and just return the cached values without calling an perhaps expensive function.