
some random git commands.

Get git authors and the time the date of the last commit. Found here.

git log --pretty=format:"%an" | \
    sort | \
    uniq | \
    awk '{system("git log -1 --author="$1 " --pretty=format:\"%ad%x09%an\""); print "\r"}' | \
    sort -k5n -k2M -k3n

Pull in Remote Refs

The following version was presented but I use a slightly modified version shown below that.

git config remote.origin.fetch '+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pull/*'

I use this additional fetch resource (GitHub):

[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*


[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/merge-requests/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

Then to checkout pull request 42 I do git checkout pr/42.

Set Upstream Branch for Currently Checked Out Local Branch

git branch -u upstream/foo

Delete Remote Branch

git push <remote-ref> --delete <branch-name>

So You Think You Know Git

Notes from the talk by Scott Chacon at FOSDEM24.

Stash all ignored and untracked files, too.

git config --global alias.staash 'stash --all'

Run a script as git command. better git branch script

git config --global !

Conditional git configuration

[includeIf "gitdir:~/projects/work/"]
    path = ~/projects/work/.gitconfig

[includeIf "gitdir:~/projects/oss/"]
    path = ~/projects/oss/.gitconfig


git blame a little (line range)

git blame -L 15,26 path/to/file

Git log a specific section of a file

git log -L 15,26:path/to/file

Provide a function name and git will try to figure out the block you mean heuristically

git log -L :function_name:path/to/file

Ignore whitespace (-w) and

  • -C detect lines moved or copied in the same commit.
  • -CC also ignore the commit that created the file.
  • -CCC in any commit
git blame -w -CCC

The pickaxe. Filter log for anything that has measure in it.

git log -S measure -p

Log of everything you did.

git reflog

For small changes in text or tailwinds for example, use the --word-diff option as the default (line diff) is not very helpful.

git diff
git diff --word-diff

Newer Things

In a rebase or merge conflict, tell git to remember the way you resolved this conflict and if git sees the same conflict again, it is able to fix it automatically. REuse REcord REsolution.

git config --global rerere.enabled true

Put branches into columns (not one long list). Sort branches my last date committed.

git branch --column
# or
git config --global column.ui auto
git config --global branch.sort -committerdate

If you want to put anything into columsn, git now helps you. It does not do anything else.

seq 1 24 | git column --mode=column --padding=5

The safe force push.

git push --force-with-lease

Signing commits with SSH. You can upload the public SSH key to GitHub, GitLab, ... and it will be used to verify the signature and check the email of a commit's author. If both are correct, this Verified tag is displayed.

git config gpg.format ssh
git config user.signingkey ~/.ssh/
git commit -S

You can also sign your git push. However, GitHub and GitLab do not support this.

git push --signed

Run maintainance tasks in the background via a cron job so git does not have to tag it to other commands (and slowing them down).

git maintainance start

Big Repositories

Not mentioned here but exists: multipack indexes, reachability bitmaps, geometric repacking. See this GitHub blog post.

Save expensive operation to disk. The --graph in the git log is rather expensive because git has to walk the whole tree before it can even start displaying anything.

git log --graph --oneline  # slow
git commit-graph write
git log --graph --oneline  # now fast

The maintainance feature mentioned about will do this as well or you can turn it on when you fetch with

git config --global fetch.writeCommitGraph true

File system monitor. Useful for very large repositories such as Chromium. fsmonitor launches a daemon that watches for inode events.

git config core.fsmonitor true
git config core.untrackedcache true # not sure about this one

The following filters are useful for partial checkouts of big repositories such as the Linux kernel, the Chromium project, or Windows.

Download all the commits and trees but only the current working tree blobs to display in the worktree.

git clone --filter=blob:none

Also exlude the tree. It's rarely useful but good for CI.

git clone --filter=tree:0

Reset the Author for the Last Three Commits

git rebase -i --exec 'git commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit' HEAD~3