
Setup of Taskwarrior.

The taskserver will run on NixOS and we add the config to sync a client on a computer and on the iPhone with the "task add" app.

Enable Taskserver on NixOS

Add the following to your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.

  networking.firewall = {
    allowedTCPPorts = [ 53589 ];

  services.taskserver.enable = true;
  services.taskserver.fqdn = "your-server.com";
  services.taskserver.listenHost = "::";
  services.taskserver.organisations.personal.users = [ "bob" ];

This will

  • open the required TCP port in the firewall
  • enable the taskserver
  • create an organization called personal with the user bob

Activate the configuration.

nixos-rebuild switch

Export the Configuration and Setup a Client

Export the configuration for the user bob. You either run on the server

nixos-taskserver user export personal bob > bob_config.sh

and copy the bob_config.sh file to you computer. Assuming you've got ssh enabled and the hostname of the server is nixos you can just run

ssh nixos nixos-taskserver user export personal bob > bob_config.sh

This exports a shell script that will add the required certificates to your local task configuration when you run it.

sh bob_config.sh

Now you can run the initial sync with your taskserver (you need the task software, of course. You should be able to find that in your package repository).

task init sync
# all subsequent syncs with
task sync

If you get the error Taskserver not configured, it's likely due to the missing configuration option taskd.server in your ~/.taskrc that is not added with the script. If you set it accordingly, it should just work.


Mobile Configuration on an iPhone

I use this app that lets you add tasks on your iPhone when I'm on the go and I can later check on my computer what I need to do.

The app requires

  • a taskrc
  • the CA cert
  • the private key of your user
  • the server cert

Your can find the keys in ~/.task/keys/. Copy these files to your iPhone, for example use the "Notes to Yourself" in Signal or whatever you like.

~ | tree .task/keys
├── ca.cert
├── private.key
└── public.cert

You can either copy the "original" ~/.taskrc file or just create a minimal version of it by taking the following two required options from the configuration.


On the iPhone open the app, select a profile, select Configure Taskserver:

  • Tap on Select TASKRC and choose your taskrc file
  • taskd.certificate select the public.cert
  • taskd.key select your private.key
  • taskd.ca select the ca.cert

Then tap the button in the top right corner to test the connection.

You'll probably get a BadCertificateException error that displays the SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate. You can tap Trust if that fingerprint matches the fingerprint on your NixOS server that you can generate with the following command:

nix-shell -p openssl
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -inform pem -in /var/lib/taskserver/keys/server.cert

That's it. You can now add tasks in the app and sync them to the server by hitting that circle arrow at the top. On your computer run task sync to sync the latest changes.

Foreground on Android

Install Foreground from F-Droid.

Use the server.cert as CA certificate. Otherwise you'll get trust anchor issues. This file is on the taskwarrior server, perhaps at /var/lib/taskserver/keys/server.cert.

CA Certificate: server.cert
private key file: private.key
private certificate: public.cert    # yes. no mistake.

You should know the other information or just look it up in your local ~/.taskrc.