tcpdump -i enp8s0 'tcp[13] & 4 != 0 && port 22'
# For RSTs:
tcpdump -i enp8s0 'tcp[13] & 4 != 0 and src port 22'
# For SYN-ACKs:
tcpdump -i eth0 'tcp[13] & 18 != 0 and src port 22'
nft table accounting
nft create table ip accounting
nft create chain ip accounting input { type filter hook input priority filter \; policy accept \; }
nft create chain ip accounting output { type filter hook output priority filter \; policy accept \; }
# And the the counter rule:
nft add rule ip accounting input tcp sport 22 tcp flags == syn\|ack counter
# Check the counts:
nft list table ip accounting
Record traffic on interface eth0
without traffic to destination port 443 and write the pcap to dump.pcap
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 tcp and src host IP_ADDR and not dst port 443 -w dump.pcap